巡回 go the rounds; tour; make a circuit of 守夜者每小时巡回一次。 the night watchman makes his rounds every hour.; 巡回报告 report tour; 巡回大使 roving ambassador; 巡回法庭[院] circuit court; 巡回放映队 mobile film projection unit; 巡回剧团 itinerant theatrical troupe
巡逻 go on patrol; patrol 执行巡逻任务 be on patrol duty; be on one's beat; 水上警察缉私船沿海巡逻搜寻走私犯。 the coastguard cutter cruised along the coast looking for smugglers.; 巡逻队 patrol party; patrol; 巡逻护卫舰 patrol escort; 巡逻 (飞)机 patrol aeroplane; patrol aircraft; 巡逻艇 guard boat; patrol ships; patrol boat; watchboat; 巡逻线 patrol route